Friday, 7 June 2019


I come from a very huge family. Am the last one in a family of eight kids. I grew up with my cousins and nieces in the same household so sharing of things and caring about others came automatically. My parents ensured that whatever we got was distributed amongst all of us. That upto date when I cook, I have to call a friend over so that we can share the meal I prepared together.

If you know me in person you'll definitely see the traits of caring, compassionate and always giving out a hand to others. Well if you're like Osman, it's all good and that means you had a proper upbringing plus you have a nice personality; the problem comes in when you put others before yourself.

Well,I have been doing that for the longest time. I would rather lack than seeing someone else suffer. And even when I was broke I'd go the extra mile of getting someone a loan using my name. (Needless to say i had to pay back all this money without getting a payback or refund)Well if you take a seat and look at it, that's just SICK. And it's either am too soft or just decided to invest in my stupidity. Which I think I was both and am trying to get out of that.

I won't lie, I've been using money to get myself liked with the guys around me. Ever since I was young my parents would give us pocket money as a way of teaching us how to handle money. Whenever I got it I used to share it out with the guys around me. Which would leave me broke before I got the next round of share. This made me not sure whether if guys liked me for me or whatever I could get them.

Am not asking you to be mean with whatever you have. All am saying is that if you are not in a position to help someone, why over burden yourself to the extent of you being left in a dilemma? You need to learn how to put yourself first. How will the action that you are about to make have an effect on you? If it will be leaving you broke in the next three days then why go through with it? That shows how much you don't care about yourself and the need for you to love and put yourself first in whatever situation you are in.Remember you come first.

Many people are out there to abuse your weaknesses. They are not to blame for that, the only thing you need to learn is how to place yourself in a position where no one takes advantage of you. Learn to say no if the situation is not benefiting you. As much as I'm talking to you, am equally talking to myself. Cause am learning in my life I COME FIRST!


  1. Always come first
    Bravo Osman

  2. Oprah Winfrey discovered that about herself;wondering whether people loved her for what she gave out or for what she was and learning to put her self first. Great piece Osman

  3. Well said Osman,loved the article

  4. Very true. Put yourself first always but always treat everyone with compassion.

  5. Nice one๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

  6. I come first don't impress humans

  7. Always up!! Good one osman
